Fitness Update

Hey, how do you all like the blog’s new look? I’m pretty fond of it!

Monthly check-in. I:

am 5′ 7”.

weigh just around 136 pounds, like normal :/

have a BMI of 23.1.

can only run about 1/2 a mile at a time!!!


All of my measurements are pretty average, which I’m happy about.

I am trying so, so hard to run longer. I’m stuck on little 1 or 2 mile runs, and my motivation goes wayyy down when I see other bloggers say something like, “Today’s run was 8 miles! No big deal, it felt good…” Like, really? Will I ever be that? It’s not that I’m “big” so it’s hard for me to run. No, not at all. It’s just my muscles get tired so quickly, what with my remaining scoliosis and all.

I’m not really happy with my body still, because I want it to be more toned all over. I think my love of yoga & continuing to run will do the trick, as long as I pair it all with strengthening exercises!

Also, to get rid of a little excess flab, I plan on cutting my food portions back a bit since I tend to eat until I’m full. Which is a silly thing to do since you feel less sluggish if you don’t stuff yourself full when you eat!

Oh, and less Starbucks runs… I’ll save those for when I meet up with friends :)

I wish I had more photos to put in this post, but this will have to do. I’ll make up for it later!